Candidate for Carlsbad City Council, 2016

Figure 1. Downtown Carlsbad.

Figure 1. Downtown Carlsbad.

On August 5th, 2016, I announced my campaign for City Council in the city of Carlsbad. My initial motivation stemmed from constantly hearing politicians talk about how they vote a certain way because they have their kid's interests in mind and that our children are the future. The reality is, however, that there are very few young adults in elected office. If this appeal were an honest one, wouldn't it follow that the youth should have more of a voice in these matters that are supposed to be benefiting us? I believe I can energize and empower young adults to become actively engaged in local government and raise their voice on issues that affect them directly, and bring merit to the idea that younger voters matter in politics. 

Furthermore, the majority of those in elected office have backgrounds in business and law, and not nearly enough are scientifically literate. I believe having a scientist with a proven record in conservation will bring a fresh perspective to a city with a lot of unique and varied habitat to preserve. These ecosystems will ensure that upcoming youth have a space to enjoy the outdoors for purposes of recreation and scientific exploration. If we have learned anything from Measure A, it's that Carlsbad constituents are interested in preserving our local habitats and focusing on our small businesses. 

Visit this page to learn more about my platform, campaign updates, and events. Please feel free to contact me with ideas, suggestions, or to just chat about issues you want to see addressed in Carlsbad.



Campaign Fundraising

I promise to use my campaign finances smart and effectively. I am not interested in raising tens of thousands of dollars because I am avoiding as much printing cost as possible in an effort to remain sustainable and reach out to my target audiences. I want my fundraising campaign to reflect my message and platform. I will utilize online advertisements and mediums in order to reach out with my funds, and any printing costs will be used for products like bumper stickers or signs. I will not spam your mailbox or take up your newspaper and magazine space. Other funds will be used for attending and organizing events that allow me to meet with as many Carlsbad constituents as possible. If I reach my goal, I will itemize my campaign finances and post them to the public. 


August 5th

To stay up-to-date on campaign and platform news, stay tuned to this web page or follow Brandon Rowley for Public Office on facebook:

August 12

News about my candidacy was covered in the San Diego Union Tribune. Check it out!

August 14

First draft of my platform is uploaded; see below for details!

August 18

My campaign was covered in an article run by a local paper in north county San Diego called the Coast News. Read it here:

My GoFundMe fundraising campaign has gone live! If you would like to make a donation and ensure that message reaches the most amount of people, consider giving what you can here: 

September 7

Bumper sticker and street signs design released! 

Bumper sticker design 1

Bumper sticker design 2

Campaign yard sign

October 3

I attended a public forum at the Southwest Carlsbad HOA Coalition and spoke with Carlsbad constituents, answering their questions and introducing my message on a panel of council candidates.

October 5

I participated in a forum answering questions posed by Carlsbad citizens at the Rancho Carlsbad Owner's Association.

The Seaside Courier news source in Carlsbad published a questionnaire featuring the candidates responses to important questions regarding top issues facing the city.  

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

October 6

The Coast News covered the candidate forum at Rancho Carlsbad and discuss the highlights in this article:

October 13

Attended my third forum on a panel of council candidates hosted by the Rotary Club at the Sheraton Carlsbad Resort.

 October 20

Attended a forum of all north county council and board candidates hosted by the National Alliance on Mental Illness North Coastal Affiliate to explore the candidates views on behavioral health.

October 27

The Carlsbad High School Speech and Debate Team hosted a public debate at the Pilgrim Sanctuary Church of Christ.

October 29

I attended a public meet-and-greet at Poinsettia Park to engage with voters and raise awareness of the alterations underway to convert some of the open space to a dog park that is currently located in a popular play area for children.



1. Prioritize youth development and participation in the Carlsbad Community. If we are to believe that the youth are the future, than we should invest in young adults so that they can invest in us.

  • Community programs that provide educational opportunities by teaching teach civic responsibility, voting rights, and business skills
  • Partner with local businesses so youth can see what it takes to run a successful business and to receive job related experience
  • Work with nonprofits and outreach organizations to enhance after school programs
  • Continue preserving the integrity of our open spaces to provide youth the opportunity for scientific inspiration and exploration

2.  Be open and accessible to the public

  • Will promote city council meetings and public participation
  • Ensure I am easily approachable and/or accessible for questions or concerns
  • Constantly engage with young adults at our local schools, encouraging and empowering them to take action at the local level and to care about the future of their city. Show them that they can make a difference. Be a voice for their ideas. 
  • Know that I would work for you, not the other way around

3.  Support legislation that ensures public safety services are adequately funded and have all necessary tools to complete their jobs. We live in an amazing city, our government services should reflect that.

  • Study the budget to find which programs need to be cut, modified, or increased in terms of funding
  • Address small town issues like traffic lights that are out-of-sync or coding updates
  • Ensure transparency in government operations

4. Invest in open space and eco tourism    

  • Continue the legacy of Measure A by protecting and expanding Carlsbad’s unique, natural environment
  • Promote “green entrepreneurs” and eco tourism as ways to stimulate economic growth, while protecting our coasts and wetlands
  • Invest in trail maintenance and designated bike lanes to promote recreation and healthy living

5.  Support Carlsbad's sustainability through promoting and expanding existing tax rebates for energy efficiency in both local business and people's homes. 

  • Tax incentives will help businesses faze out plastics and styrofoam, increase recycling and energy efficient appliances, and move electricity production to renewables
  • Previous eco-friendly installation updates, such as traffic light improvement in 2010 and 2011, has saved the city of Carlsbad taxpayer's an estimated $300,000 a year. This should become a priority and be expanded upon


Figure 2. One of two bumper sticker designs for the campaign. Available soon!

Figure 2. One of two bumper sticker designs for the campaign. Available soon!